Tuesday, 17 December 2013

How Can The Sea Water Be Converted Into Drinkable Format?


We are surrounded with almost 85% of water, hence it is decided that no matter how much we fight for the absence of enough food products for all but we can never go without getting water. There is enough of it for all of us. Although there is a lot of water throughout the world, still we crib about the quality of water that we generally take in. You can live without having food for over a few months but you cannot survive without taking in water for over a week. It is very important for us not to waste it and try to use every single drop of water, this way we will be able to save quite a bit of it and utilize it wisely.

Earth is enveloped with 1/3 rd. of water and the oceans, seas, river, etc. embody most of the water. So it is better to utilize the vast amount of water that is already available in huge amount. Many people have got big doubt whether the sea water can get transformed into usable or rather drinkable format. Well, yes the sea water can be easily converted into consumable format by a process called Desalination.
It is known to all that the sea water is extremely salty in taste due to the presence of salty particles in them. These salty substances make the water undrinkable. In order to make this saline water drinkable, it is important to eradicate the salty particles from the water. Desalination is a process by means of which the salts and minerals that are generally present in the sea water get removed. Although there are different processes of removing salt from water, still the process of desalination is the commonly used technique. 

The process of Desalination is very useful because,

(a)  The sea water can be utilized properly.

(b) Sea water becomes an additional source for the extraction of drinkable water.

(c)  Groundwater can be prevented from getting dried up. Otherwise we tend to use up all the underground water. It is always better to utilize all the water that is available in the water bodies that have got enough water rather than digging up the wells.
High pressure is required to wash off the salty particles out of the water through a substance. This substance should be a semi-permeable membrane (say plastic) that allows the liquid to pass through it. When the water gets passed through the plastic membrane, the salt particles that are left behind form the residue. This process is also known as reverse osmosis. 

The water plants that are designed to provide mineral water to the society also converts the saline water into drinkable water by means of reverse osmosis.

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